How to prepare General Awareness Banking Awareness for IBPS CWE POMT exam What are the high priority areas under Banking awareness syllabus Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device. Lyberty. coms weeklymonthly splash page. Yes, a splash page is old fashioned, but its been a tradition here since 1999. IBPS Banking Awareness GA High Priority topics Studyplan. IBPS CWE PO MT Exam Structure. IBPS High priority topics. General Awareness Banking Awareness1 Banking Awareness TheoryMinimum Topics from IBPS Banking Awareness theory. Claudia/neroburningrom3.jpg' alt='Download Nero 11 Full Crack Mfi' title='Download Nero 11 Full Crack Mfi' />RBIBanks Basics. Banking services. Rural banking. Bad Loans. International banking2 Banking Awareness Current Affairs3 Economy Theory4 Economy Current Affairs5 International Affairs IA6 Polity Current affairs7 Misc. GK Filler topics7 Misc. Pg.jpg' alt='Download Nero 11 Full Crack Mfi' title='Download Nero 11 Full Crack Mfi' />GK PINAwardSports. Computer Awareness Topicwise Breakup. IBPS CWE PO MT Exam Structure. Written Stage Multi choice Questions MCQsSection. Reasoning. 50. 50. English Language. Studyplan RBI Grade B Officers Preliminary Objective PhaseI Exam Booklist, Strategy, Previous question Paper. Un libro del latn liber, libri es una obra impresa, manuscrita o pintada en una serie de hojas de papel, pergamino, vitela u otro material, unidas por un lado es. Qs x 0. 52. 5 marks. Quantitative Aptitude Maths DI5. General Awareness Banking Awareness5. Computer Knowledge. Descriptive Paper of English. Total Marks. 25. 02. Time limit minutes1. MCQ6. 0 for descriptive. Sectional cutoff Negative marking yes, Minus 0. Interview stage. Minimum qualifying marks in interview 4. SCSTOBCPWD candidates. The weightage ratio of Written interview 8. IBPS High priority topics. In the game of chess, if you try to defend every piece, youll end up losing every piece. Competitive exams are no different. So in the first round of preparation, you try to get a steel grip over following topics. Section. High priority area. Revision Essential. General Awareness. Banking awareness theory. Economy current affairs. Computer. MS Office 2. Practice Essential. Reasoning. High level reasoning Syllogism assumptioninferenceSitting arrangement. Quantitative aptitude. BOSMASsimplification. Data interpretation DIEnglish. Grammar rules Sentence correction. Daily practice of comprehension sentence arrangement. Uske baad, you venture into other areas to enhance your preparation further. In this article, we see the approach for two sections. General Awareness Banking awareness. Computer Awareness. Remaining sections, dealt in separate articles. General Awareness Banking Awareness. IBPS CWE POMT Exam of. Banking. Banking Theory. Banking Current Affairs. Banking Subtotal. Economy. Economy Theory. Economy Current Affairs. Economy Subtotal. IAInternational Current Affairs. Polity. Polity Current Affairs. Current Affairs IAPolity6. Misc. GKMisc. PIN6. Misc. Sports. 24. Misc. Books Authors. Misc. filler Census, Geography, Nuke Reactors, Defense etc. Misc. GK subtotal. Total. 50. 50. Each year, more than 3. Banking Economy only. Hence Priority order for study Banking and within banking Theory Current. Economy and within Economy Current Theory1 Banking Awareness TheoryAny one Book on Banking awareness theory Topics. BOOKMY REVIEWCOMMENTMoney, Banking and Finance by BSC Publication. Cheap, reliable work horse. Not updated after 2. IBPS level theory, its coverage is sufficient and you can always google for any latest happenings. Doesnt contain practice MCQs. Although doesnt matter because youll be using a separate book on papersets anywaysPrinciples and Practices of Banking By Indian Institute of Banking and Finance IIFBWritten for JAIIBCAIIB type exams, printing structure explanation is professional grade. Few MCQs after each chapter. Doesnt burden you with lot technical legal aspects, sticks to conceptual clarity. Not updated after 2. Handbook of Banking information by N. S. Toor Skylark PublicationWritten for JAIIBCAIIB type exams. Most updated information about banking topics, among the given books. Edition released in Jan 2. But also burdens you with many technical legal aspects that are not much relevent from IBPS exam point of view. Contains more MCQs than previous book by IIFB. If you have any similar book from Arihant Publication, Kiran Prakashan etc. All these books have overlapping content. Remember that youve to finish the topics, not the books. Various articles posted on Mrunal. Anyone Bank. PO Paperset for practicing the MCQs. Board Maker Download With Cracks. Arihants paperset of previous Bank PO exams. Kiran Prakashans Paperset for IBPS POMT with FREE CD for computer testIf youve paper set from any other publication, thatll also work just fine. Minimum Topics from Banking theory. Youll have to face banking awareness, not only at the MCQ stage but also during interview stage. Here is the list of Minimum Topics to be prepared. Dont do Ph. D on any topic, just get an overview from MCQ point of view. RBIOrigin of RBI. Who is the current governor, whom did he replace RBI vs SEBI vs IRDA Name of their main bosses, Who controls what NBFCs, MFI, Gold Loans, ULIP, Mutual funds etc. RBIHow does RBI control the money supply Open market operations, MSF, liquidity adjustment facility. SLR, CRR, Repo, Reverse repo, bank rate. Priority sector lending and its subsectors. How do they apply to Domestic bank vs foreign bank Currency chest, Mint and press. Who signs coins and currency Measures of money supply. Foreign exchange management, components of forex reserves, approx. RBI. Powers under FERAFEMA, Tarapore Committee on capital account convertibility. Banking regulation act and its recent amendment. Banking reform, Banking License, Narsimhan, BASEL. Banks Basics. What is bank What are its functions NBFCNBFC factor, Post office savings, Chit Fund, Nidhi etc Types of banks commercial banks, regional rural banks, cooperative banks, investment banks, development banks etc. What is a Scheduled commercial bank Public sector versus private sector banks. Where does RTI apply IDBI, ICICI, IFCI, SIDBI, EXIM, NHB etc. Bank nationalization, mergers and consolidations. Names of chairmanCMD of big banks. Basic GK related to banks first commercial bank in India, first bank setup by Indians, origin of SBIICICI, subsidiaries of SBI, etc. Banking services. Assets, liabilities and working capital of a bank. Demand liabilities vs time liabilities. Bankers rights lien. Know your customer KYC norms, Adhar Card enabled payment, Money laundering, Benami transections. Types of Bank customers and provisions related to them Minor Guardian, partnership firms. HUF and karta. NRI, PIOjoint account holders. Married Womenpartnership firm accountspublicprivate companiestrusts and cooperatives. Types of bank accounts and their features current account, savings accountterm deposit account, fixed deposit,PPF, senior citizens account. NRE rupee account, FCNR account, RFC, EEFC, escrow account. Allied topic post office savings account and National savings certificate. Unclaimeddormant accounts, RBI provision for them, Death of customer, insolvent customer, liquidation, Garnishee orders. Types of negotiable instruments bank draft, bank check, promissory note, warehouse receipt, Treasury bills etc. Cheque orderbearertravelbankers chequeendorsement, cheque crossing,post dated cheque, what if cheque date is invalid 3. Feb or holiday 2nd OctBank should not pay, cheque dishonor cheque bouncingMICR, Cheque truncation, new CTS system. Note refund rule, clan note policydemand drafts, telegraphic transfers, safe deposit lockers. ATM PIN, HWAK, White Label ATM, third party ATMDebit card, credit card, smart card. Mobile Banking, personal banking, tele banking, corporate banking. Online banking NEFT, RGTS, EFTS, Bankwire, E commercenetworking among banks INDONET, Bank. NET, RBINET, SWIFT, Point of Sale POS terminalcore banking solutions. Electronic signature and Information Technology Act. Loansdifferent type of loan products,Subprime lendingmortgage, reverse mortgage, collaterals, stamp duty on loan documentslien, set off.