Itchy, red, swollen foot. Dermatology. I am a 7. I have had these symptoms for several months now. The itching is so bad I wanted to use a wire brush to scratch. I didnt do that. I have found some things that help but dont cure it. I have applied cold packs, which at least reduced the itching somewhat. BwKnVKUIioE/UyDKmsPtopI/AAAAAAAABaA/qFfem6MSA0M/s1600/Peeling+Skin.jpg' alt='Itchy Fungus Between Fingers' title='Itchy Fungus Between Fingers' />I found elevating my feet higher than my hips can help with the swelling a little, and so can alternating hot and cold foot baths, which gets the circulation going. I start and end with cold, changing the water about 5 times. If you only have the problem when it is cold and your hands andor feet get almost purple and cold you should ask your M. D. to check you for Reynauds Syndrome. Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius Computer Game'>Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius Computer Game. To find out if it is an allergy keep a journal of everything you eat, drink, wear, or come into contact with such as cosmetics, cleaning supplies, personal care products. Shoes often are glued together inside. Dyes in food, clothing, household goods such as carpeting, furniture and draperies, and personal care and cosmetics can cause allergies. Chemicals in the air around us and our workplace and home environments can affect is. Air spray, hairspray and scents of all kinds can be the culprit. I am so allergic to strawberries that I cannot be treated for it because I react at parts per billion in the air and treatments start somewhere in the parts per million. It is difficult to find out but if you do this and follow through it can pay off. You need to keep track like this Date. Time. Showered with. Applied products. Wore the following clothes. Ate. Drank. Went to. Traveled by. Spoke with person, or passed fruit stand, flower shop and smelled whatever, touched something, At time began to itch, redness began at time. Those hard spots are called hives, by the way. Hives began at time. If your records are are very thorough it may help your M. D. find a diagnosis. We can develope allergies at any age and they can suddenly become very severe to the point of being life threatening. So far I have ruled out dry skin and various soaps and celiac disease. I have also found that a cream with a topical anesthetic can be helpful such as aspercreme as long as you arent allergic to. Ps3 System Update Usb here. I have also tried lamosil which is an antifungal and it also helped with the itching a bit. So far nothing has relieved it completely not even absorbine jr., which does help to get the circulation going, so as to help with the swelling, cools the area and minimizes the itch. I have not been to the doctor yet but plan to schedule an appointment. It seems one of my medications can also cause intense itching. So far both feet, ankles, knees, thighs, buttocks, hands, wrists, forearms, and biceps have been affected. Good luck to you all. At least now I know Im not crazy and no longer feel so alone. Psoriasis Medical Images. Red, itchy, and scaly skin Discover common skin conditions like psoriasis, rashes, and more in the collection of medical photos. Home Current Health Articles Itchy Scalp Pictures, Causes and Treatment Itchy Scalp Pictures, Causes and Treatment. Posted by Jan Modric. Home Infections Breast Fungus Itchy Fungal Rash Causes, Pictures, Treatment Breast Fungus Itchy Fungal Rash Causes, Pictures, Treatment. Dear SirMadamDr. my subject is about my Swollen Fingers and Itchy Feet After about an hour after I wake up in the morning and get into my daily routine. Poor circulation due to heart failure, thickened arteries, weak veins, or a whole host other issues, causes more problems than most people realize. Nail fungus be it on your toenails or your fingernails is an unpleasant business to have to deal with. Officially known as onychomcosis, it is most often caused by. Does Diabetes Cause Itchy Skin The 3 Step Trick that Reverses Diabetes Permanently in As Little as 11 Days. DOES DIABETES CAUSE ITCHY SKIN The REAL. How to Prevent Skin Fungus. If youve ever gotten a yeast infection or athletes foot, you may not have realized that you actually had a skin fungus.