Hong Kong English Wikipedia. Hong Kong English Chinese is the dialect of the English language most commonly used in Hong Kong. The dialect is a result of Hong Kongs British oversea territory history and the influence of native Cantonese speakers. Being a former British colony, Hong Kong predominantly uses British spellings. Pronunciations and words are also predominantly Britishcitation needed, although influences from American, Canadian and Australian English do exist as a result of Hollywood movies, TV and Internet culture1. In fact, a lot of Hong Kong Chinese families migrated to in alphabetical order Australia, Canada2, Ireland, New Zealand, United States in the 1. Tiananmen Square protests of 1. Best English Grammar Book In Hindi Pdf Free Download' title='Best English Grammar Book In Hindi Pdf Free Download' />China, and when they move back they are less likely to use British English. There is also an influence from the significant non Chinese demographic e. The Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority accepts all varieties of English as examiners come from many different places. According to article 9 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, English may also be used as an official language but the law does not specify which type of English. Cantonese English, locally referred to as Chinglish, in theory, refers to the accent and characteristics of English spoken by native Hong Kongers and other Cantonese people. Overall, it is primarily spoken by native Hong Kong language Cantonese speakers. Therefore, although it is called Hong Kong English, it is not only spoken in Hong Kong. People who come from Macau, Guangzhou, or whose first language is Cantonese speak it. BackgroundeditEnglish is one of the official languages in Hong Kong, and is used widely in the Government, academic circles, business and the courts. All road and government signs are bilingual and English is as equally valid as Chinese on legal and business standings. People with higher education, past experience of living in English speaking countries, or who constantly interact with Hong Kongs English speaking expatriate communities, generally speak an acquired form of English. Accent and spelling preference may vary from person to person, depending on the people they have interacted with and the country they have studied in. For most ordinary local Hong Kongers however, the English spoken is generally typical of foreign language learners Cantonese influenced pronunciation with some acquired Received Pronunciation characteristics, and with vocabularies and sentence structure generally more formal than those of native speakers. For instance, contractions and slang are not used, and many idioms are alien to Hong Kongers because the terms pertain more to the cultures of English speaking countries. The falling English proficiency of local English language teachers has come under criticism. Since the Handover, English in Hong Kong remains primarily a second language, in contrast to Singapore where English has been shifting toward being a first language. Spoken characteristicseditVoicing of consonantseditConsonants in Cantonese are all voiceless except nasals and semivowels as a result, d, z, and d are pronounced t unaspirated, s, and t unaspirated. There is a tendency for to undergo fronting and become f, so through may be pronounced as fu,5 and three may be fi. However, this is variable, so some speakers pronounce thin as n while others pronounce it as fin. This is reported to be very widespread, so this is nearly always tis, and brother is bata. Devoicing of final consonantseditMost people do not distinguish between voiced and voiceless word final stops due to the influence of Cantonese, making bat and bad homonyms. SSC CGL study material pdf free download. Download SSC Free EBooks and Notes for SSC Examination. If you are preparing for the SSC CGL 2017 exam than this. IBPS CWE Clerk Sample Questions Papers IBPS Clerical Model Papers with Answers PDF Download Solved Sample Model Question Papers for IBPS Clerical exam. This site is best viewed with screen resolution 1280 x 1024 pixels or more. Some do not distinguish and s in Cantonese these sounds are allophonic. This new condition does not appear on nearly all the younger, or even the middle aged Hongkongers. Corruption of tr to t often occurs, chain and train are pronounced both tse, but some speakers pronounce the word train as tswe. Like many places in Britain, Hong Kong English is non rhotic, which means is not pronounced except before a vowel. However, with the influence of American programmes shown in TV, young people in Hong Kong have started to pronounce the sound as in General American English. Some people pronounce as w, except when followed by a consonant other than g or k rain sounds like wing, and free like fee. Some people pronounce as l before rounded vowels road sounds like low, room like loom etc. TdZLpazEnDYFt0JscNLftHm2FKdhon5vqjJy1TvCxHWXuFBqJXI3VpCIxXWIJm5dDIK=h900' alt='Best English Grammar Book In Hindi Pdf Free Download' title='Best English Grammar Book In Hindi Pdf Free Download' />The Rig Veda is the oldest of the four Vedas, and is an integral part of humanitys history. Inazuma Eleven Games On Pc. Below are the links to download the 4 Vedas as PDF, in English, Hindi. Download language lessons. Collection features audio lessons in 48 foreign languages including Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Arabic. Best Urdu books PDF free download, Islamic books, famous Urdu novels online reading ebooks, Sindhi books, Poetry books, Digital library online books. Many Chinese people cannot pronounce v as native English speakers do because the v sound has no equivalent in Cantonese, Mandarin, and many other Chinese varieties but, in the case of other Chinese varieties, such as Wu and Hakka, there is an equivalent of the v sound hence, speakers of those varieties have little difficulty pronouncing this sound. Some people read v as w. Vector and Aston Villa Vince is read as Whince Louis Vuitton, sounding unfamiliar to Chinese, is universally referred to as LV, pronounced Ello WeeOther v becomes w or f mostly with a consensus yet no obvious pattern e. Volvo and either f or w in develop, depending on the speaker. Often n is changed to l. Many people in Hong Kong, particularly the younger generation, mix up the n and l sounds in English because there is a general trend of merging of n into l in Hong Kong Cantonese. In Cantonese the original correct pronunciation of, for example, Jyutping neoi. Hong Kong usage. Also, the correct pronunciation of you is nei, but most people pronounce lei in Hong Kong. Nasals in English are stronger than in Cantonese. Polish, Bulgarian, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese, e. This u is sometimes strengthened and becomes like ou e. It is less noticeable as there is no contrast in the initial position between ts and t in both Cantonese and English. Many people also merge the sound dr with d, they pronounce both ts. Best English Grammar Book In Hindi Pdf Free Download' title='Best English Grammar Book In Hindi Pdf Free Download' />A speaker of Hong Kong English differentiates the pronunciations of the words affect and effect, often emphasising the vowel, pronouncing affect as afk and effect as ifk or even jifk. Most people realise r as a letter is pronounced lta, locker is pronounced lka etc. TVVsxh7iIY/VvqxAYUsiXI/AAAAAAAAfSc/SWn1r_yYHJ0IIcazrznx0me9_ceb226Ig/s1600/class-x-10th-odisha-english-grammar-book-pdf-free-download-odiaportal.in+%281%29.JPG' alt='Best English Grammar Book In Hindi Pdf Free Download' title='Best English Grammar Book In Hindi Pdf Free Download' />The sound r is realised as sir is pronounced s, hurt is pronounced ht etc. Merging with man and men, mass and mess, guess and gas are pronounced as the same way with the sound. Confusing with i seat and sit are pronounced both sit. In contrast, big is pronounced as pk. This is because in Cantonese, the checked tones t k p have only one vowel assigned to them that is approximate to i or it, k, and ip. Merging with u foot and food are pronounced both fut. The letter z is generally pronounced jist, ist, izt or jizt derived from a British pronunciation zd now considered archaic elsewhere the usual pronunciations, zd used in UK and most of the Commonwealth nations and zi used in USA, are not understood by some. IntonationeditMulti syllable words are often differently stressed.